Wednesday, February 24, 2010


WOW! I was doing so good for a while updating this... But it has been a week since that happened... So here goes nothing....

Last week was a whorlwind... Nothing exciting... worked the basketball game... went to houston... Cried, laughed, and made some new friends while there. Had fun... Went and saw Phantom of the opera at Fair Park in Dallas thanks to Stacy Inman. Ryan and I were almost late becuase I had to finish watching the movie the reader and didn't realize how close I had cut the time (Has anyone seen that movie? Its strange and weird but you can't help but watch it to see how it ends).... We walked into the show when they were making the 5 minute call.

The special effects in this show are phenomenal. The singing this time wasn't as great as I remember... but I still loved the show!!

So far this week I have attended 2 basketball games... I can actually follow along now when someone starts talking basketball! Who would have thought that would ever happen! I need clarification every now and then... but I'm getting it slowly but surely! I think I might go to another basketball game tonight! I just can't seem to get enough!!

Carpe Diem, Kaley

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Life is such a bumpy road. But it takes something dramatic to put it all into perspective I think. I am looking back on my life with such a different outlook than i ever have had. I guess its becuase Im getting older. I used to think the best things in life where the big things the things you had to have. But really life is about all the small things... the tiny things that all add up to the big thing. I read a story once about how a professor filled up a jar with the rocks, then pebbles, then sand... and the sand is what filled in the spaces. I think I need more sand. My life is too focused on the big stuff. Those things will come with time and patience(which I don't have but im working on it)... I just need to focus on the sand right now. Everything will work itself out in the end right?

Carpe Diem, Kaley

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Day for Love!

"Above all things I believe in love, Love lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love!" - Moulin Rouge!

This year for Valentine's day Ryan and I had a low key day. Ryan played football in thr morning while I watched Glory with Bella. Once he arrived home, we got ready and took Bella to Grams house! We couldn't leave her alone all day! Then we went to Mandola's Italian Market... It is a very unique setting. You walk through the front door and on your left is their "meat and cheese market" and on your left is their "Italian Market." It has lots of interesting things to buy. Ryan wouldn't let me buy anything. You stand in line, order, get a number, and have a seat. Your food arrives in record time.. Less than 5 minutes. It was a unique dining experience that I WILL be going back for!

After we left Mandola's we headed to the mall to see "Valentine's Day." However the show we wanted to see was sold out... So we went to barnes and nobles... I got the Jillian Michaels Book Making the Cut. Expect lots of future blogs about that! We finally went to see the movie, and it was the perfect ending to Valentine's Day! I was so excited... Ryan even liked this one! It was funny and dramatic... so you get the best of both worlds!

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day! I sure did!

Carpe Diem, Kaley

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Unexpected events...

It's Saturday night and while I am watching Ryan and Garrett play Call of Duty Modern Warfare, I am going to update! So... Friday I watched half of my fair lady AND all of the notebook with my friends Karen and Michelle! I still can't believe how much I cry in the Notebook. I mean really... I know exactly what is going to happen and yet get to a certain part and the tears start streaming down my face! I truly enjoyed my unexpected day off from school! It was relaxing! I made dinner on friday night... And nothing was cooked in the microwave! Amazing... I made tacos with Spanish rice... Nothing to difficult, but at least everyone that ate it... lived... I can't believe all the people without power. Its unbelieveable. I had Ryans family over last night due to the power outage!

Today I hung out with my dad. It has been quite a while since we have just hung out and I really really enjoyed it. We did some last minute valentines shopping. I forgot to get Ryan a card! OOOOPs... and we hung out at my Mimi's house. I have really missed spending time with him... Hopefully this is the start of a new trend... We shall see... I guess there is always hope right?

I suppose that is all for now, I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's day! :-)

Carpe Diem, Kaley

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Can you believe that it snowed more than 12 hours strait? I sure as heck can't... I have never seen this much snow before in my whole life! Okay wait that may be a little bit of a lie... I did go skiing once and that might be a little bit more snow. But seriously... this is CRAZY! More than 6 inches of snow... what is going on? This was my view at 11:00AM today...

They let the kids go at 1:30 today... So I went sledding down the hill! I couldn't believe how much fun it was! Thank you KIM PENA for calling me and telling me about the snow!

Now I have mixed feelings about the snow... See I have never been hit in the face ith a snow ball flying 50 MPH... but today... I got hit right in the face with a snowball and it hurts... My face is STILL red... Karen says its "snow burn!" I like the name so thats what I am going with! I have this really mean friend who decided it would be HILLARIOUS to throw me into the snowy slush! Since its her birthday Im going to let it slide... Oh and my car got stuck... But Dansby came to the rescue and figured out there is a button you have to push called ESP or something like that in order to get the tires to spin when there isnt much traction... On the other hand, the snow is beautiful to look at... We did get out of school early today and don't have school tomorrow... So there is an up side to this whole snow thing! Right now...

I really wish I was in mexico! At the beach... getting a tan... So here is a picture from Playa Del Carmen... Just to try to add some sunnyness to the drabby snowy day...

Carpe Diem, Kaley

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


This year instead of not doing anything for the superbowl, I had Heather and Ron over. Ron is Ryan's co-worker. I had snacks set out and finally got to use this football bowl I bought in 2008! It was very exciting!

Like my Spread? I even had some carrots and celery!

These are some pics I stole from Heather of our "party..." It was a lot of fun. Heather is just like me in the fact that we get bored with the game... hince the fact that she took so many pictures!

Went to austin for a Kilgo training yesterday. I had a blast! We went to Pete's Piano bar, ate at a place called Enoteca (Its italian), made a stop at Hey Cupcake and even went to Monkey See Monkey Do. My friend Lisa and I traveled together... It was like old times when we worked summer camp in Durant, Oklahoma in 2007!! I can't believe that was almost 3 years ago! Crazy how time flies. Here is a picture from back then...

~Carpe Diem, Kaley

Friday, February 5, 2010


So I finished the entire Twilight series, I swear it is like an addiction you have to finish. I couldn't put it down, I had to know how it ended. All the suspense, everything built up and then at the final chapter I was done. I didn't really know what to do next... I was utterly just left wanting more, needing more, but there is nothing there. No More. What kind of an ending was that Stephanie Myer. I really enjoyed the books don't get me wrong, but the ending was just SUCH A LET DOWN. I need therapy after that one. I had a dream the book ended very differently (see right there PROBLEM, WHO DREAMS AN ALTERNATE ENDING???). I would really like to meet Stephanie Myer and talk to her about the final book. I have so many questions... THAT WERE NOT ANSWERED by the book.

On a lighter note... I am finally friends with the gym again. Yes, I am... I am using Jillian Michael's work out and it is kicking my butt. Hopefully it will all be worth it once I work out long enough... Karen promises me it will be but I am very very very sceptical.

Saw Dear John last night... Made Ryan go see it too... He wasn't very happy. The movie was a tear jerker. I couldn't believe how much I could cry at the movie. We had to stay after everyone was gone so I could catch my breath, wipe my eyes, and leave the theatre civilized. Almost as bad as the Notebook, but not quite there. I am such a cryer in movies. It's really quite embarrassing. Not only do Nicholas Sparks movies make me cry but his books too. Last Song was the worst. I think because I relate so much to the character Vonnie. I guess something major is going to have to happen to repair some of the damage. But maybe not, maybe it will all work itself out. Hopefully.

I am looking for a new series to start... Im thinking Wicked... becuase I am absolutly 100% in love with the musical. We shall see though...

Carpe Diem