Sunday, April 25, 2010


Long time, no update! Well life right now is pretty good... There is only 4 days until the TAKS test!!!! Thank goodness... maybe I can finally get my life back!

Good news is... I FINALLY CAUGHT A BOUQET at Leslie's wedding... Well I didn't catch it exactly... it fell on the floor and I picked it up! I was very excited! Very very very excited. So maybe just maybe there is some hope for me!

We had family Christmas in April today... and there were lots and lots and lots and lots of children. I mean I think the number doubled since last year... or maybe the kids are just getting older... but WOW! It was great to see most of the family. Too bad we only get together once a year, or at weddings and funerals... DOUGLAS LOOP needs to take form immediately! CASEY get on that!

I suppose that is all for now....

Carpe Diem, Kaley!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Jillian Michaels Day 9 was completed this morning! Summer Slim down is in full gear! I got up at 6:15 for my workout with WG! That is so not like me to get up early and I really need a nap. However, I know the results will all be worth it! Right? They better be! :-) I will take pictures soon.... So we have a semi before and after! I just hope I have some results soon. I have started to change my diet, which means no mcdonalds, no chick fil a, no taco bell, and worst of all, no icing! For those of you that know me, know that giving all of this up is very difficult! But again it will be worth it right? I hope so!

Track season is almost over.... Today is the last official day of practice. And tomorrow is our district meet! I hope my girls run well! They have been working really really hard! But I guess we will see starting tomorrow.

And lastly, why can't people be true to themselves! I mean really true to themselves... Do what you want its your life, don't conform just because you don't have the guts to stand up for what you want....

Carpe Diem, Kaley

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fort Worth Arts Festival!

So I am on day 4 of the Jillian Michaels workout program! I'm feeling good... but know its only going to get harder! Have you ever tried to run on the tredmill at a 10 incline at 5.7 MPH? Me either... But I can now say that I have. And I really felt like I was going to fall off! WG does the running part alot better than me... but its okay... I will get better than her one day I hope! So I will keep you posted on my summer slim down... so far im doing the workout well enough... hopefully the food part will improve this week... Im going to try to be done eating by 7 everyday... it might be a stretch but I think I can do it... With WG and Jillian on my team!

Saturday, Ryan, Karen, Kristina, Michelle and I went to the Fort Worth Arts festival. It was so much fun! I really enjoyed the art! It was so interesting and thought provoking! Too bad I don't have 4500 dollars laying around or I would have invested in some pretty cool art! I had $7 so I invested in SAND ART! Thats right... SAND ART! I made my own creation... I am an artist... I just didn't know it... Too bad it didn't turn out as pretty as I saw it in my head! Here is a picture...

The following pictures I stole from Michelle... :-)

This thing looked weird, but cool all at the same time!
We got Funnel Cakes... they are my favorite!!!!
Why is ryan looking rediculous? I don't know! But Karen, Kristina and I are looking awesome!
Kristina makes me laugh!

Today didn't start off so well... But Ryan and I went to kohls and bought some new pillows! I really didn't know I could be so excited about some dang pillows but I am! We layed on the floor of kohls to make sure we liked them! :-) Then we went to moms and had dinner BURGERS, SAUSAGE, and HOMEMADE french fries... it really doesn't get any better than that! :-)

Carpe Diem, Kaley

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


TAKS time is officially underway! Thus, I have no life! I can't wait for it to be over so I can have my life back! Good news is track is almost over. However, Golf starts. So very exciting! Me and my pink golf clubs are ready to go! I have officially started working out again! I am on Day 2 of Jillian Michaels "Making the cut." Its really really difficult, but I love my WG so I keep going! Hopefully, it will pay off and I will be in swimsuit shape sooner rather than later! :-) If you don't have the book you should go get it... if you are in the workout mode!

If you feel like crying... Go see this movie... I can't decide which I cried worse in THE LAST SONG or THE NOTEBOOK...

I finally am a proud owner of NEW MOON! I had to read the whole series before I watched the movies.. well I finished the series and I must say... I love this movie! I am not a Jacob fan, so I got a poster with Edward!

And Lastly, I am watching ROOTS THE NEXT GENERATIONS! I couldn't stop at just roots, it doesn't lead me to Alex Haley! And I need to know how it is all connected.... sure I could read it... but that wouldn't be fun! So Anita is watching it with me and answering all my questions... even the stupid ones...

I suppose that's all for now! :-)